Photos and Maps
On this page you will find maps of grazing allotments at several scales, ranging from federal grazing allotments west-wide to the 12 national forest grazing allotments that are located on both sides of the Siskiyou Crest. You will also find a selection of photos which illustrate the management problems and impacts we’ve documented on dozens of Northern California and Southern Oregon national forest grazing allotments. You can view, download and save the photos to your device. Please give the Project a photo credit if you use them in publications, hand-outs, presentations, etc.
We are not professional videographers. But in recent years we have been making videos on some of the grazing allotments we monitor. They illustrate problems and impacts we find time and again on public land grazing allotments in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Scan our videos and play those you choose on this page.
From time to time the Project Coordinator is asked to present to an organization or agency or at a workshop, conference or other event. Those are typically PowerPoint type presentations. Some of the presentations we’ve delivered can be accessed on this page.